Interact Club

The basic principle of the Rotary Interact is to help others while discovering the power of “Service Above Self”, the shared motto of Rotary International. Many of the top benefits of taking part in Interact Club is that students have the chance to: 

  • Discover new cultures as they promote a greater sense of international understanding. 

  • Developing key leadership skills in their schools, their community and beyond, as they go into trades,  college and into their professions.

This year the FernLeaf Community Charter School started an Interact club with 22 founding members and with their student elected and led club meetings decided upon the following projects and self-development goals:

  • Helping feed those with food insecurities in Ukraine through various fundraising activities that include gaining support from local businesses by way of sponsorships that coordinates with a trivia night at their school.

  • Supporting our local HonorAir efforts to bring recognition to our veterans for their service and commitment to our country.  The club has designed cards and asked for individuals at various school events to write a veteran and thank them for their service.  These letters will be divided up and given out at “Mail Call” as the HonorAir flight returns from visiting memorial in Washington DC.

  • The students are planning an event with a local senior living center to give of their time for the happiness and wellbeing of our seniors.  This project is still under development, but is planned for late spring.

Interact stands for International Action and is a Rotary-sponsored service club giving young people an opportunity to participate in fun and meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends.